Monday 21 March 2011

Vaastu Tips for Dining Room

Vaastu Tips For Dining Room
  • The ideal location for the construction of dining room is the west portion of the house. Construction should be done in such a manner that both the dining room and kitchen are on the same floor, lying adjacent to each other.
  • The most suitable wall colors for the dining room are the shades of pink and orange.
  • The door leading to the dining room should be on the east, north, or west side of the room. It should not have arches.
  • The door of the dining room and the main entrance door of the house should not face each other directly.
  • It is best to face east or west while eating. The head of the family should face east during meals. Other members of the family can face east, north, or west, but it is not advisable to face south.
  • If you want to place a fridge in the dining room, then southeast direction would be just apt.
  • If you want to make provision for fitting a washbasin in your dining room, then the right place would be either eastern or northern corner.
  • The dining table should not be round or oval but either square or rectangular. It should not fold from the wall or be attached to the wall.
  • A sink can be located in the northeast corner of the dining room, or on the north or east sides of the room.
  • Children should sit on the dining table, facing north or east. They should not sit in the southwest corner, as they tend to gain control of the house at such a place and impose their will over the parents.
  • There should be water in the north-east corner of the room. Washbasin should be in the east or the north, leaving the southeast and the southwest corner free.
  • It is most profitable to have the dining room in the west side of the building. If it is in the east or the north, it is tolerably good.
  • It should be ensured that while eating in the dining room, there is no beam or loft over your head.
  • Nature portraits and paintings in the dining room make the atmosphere happy and enhance general pleasure.

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